Frank Cebulski
Frank Cebulski
Humans have always wanted to make a useless thing.
Poet Author Art Critic
Poet Author Art Critic
I am founder and owner of TechScript, a professional technical writing company, whose name I have registered and owned since 1988. I am also the founder and owner of a small poetry press, Light • Gravity, where I have published most of my concrete and visual poems.
627 Talbot Avenue
Albany, CA 94706-1307
510-526-6061 Home Office
To purchase Lonely Nights and Wild Women, a selection of my Concrete Visual and Shaped (CVS) poetry with accompanying histories of the genesis of the poems, visit AuthorHouse and search for my book by name or title, or follow the link in the title above or below.
Frank Cebulski, Lonely Nights and Wild Women (AuthorHouse, Bloomington, Indiana, 2011).
To purchase my fifth book of poetry, The Fifth World, visit AuthorHouse and search for my book by name or title. You can purchase the book directly from the AuthorHouse bookstore or from and Barnes and Noble. It is also available as an e-book to purchase and download.
Frank Cebulski, The Fifth World (AuthorHouse: Bloomington, Indiana, 2010). Most of the poems in this collection were written one poem a day over a three-month period. Also available as an e-book.
F. J. Cebulski, Corm (Oyez, Berkeley, CA, 1974). Owner and publisher, Robert Hawley. Designed and printed by Graham Mackintosh. Cover and title page drawing by David Prior.
Mediterranean Sonnets (North Atlantic Books, Berkeley, CA, 1988). Publisher, Richard Grossinger. Cover and drawing by poet.
Concrete Visual Shaped (Light • Gravity Press, Albany, CA, 2006). Limited edition of 50, signed and numbered by me for my friends.
Portrait by Anthony Holdsworth, January 2009
To purchase my third collection of poetry, Only Emotion Endures, open the link below and search for my name or book title: AuthorHouse Bookstore.
Below are links to other book and art reviews and catalog essays I have written:
Catalog essay for Sam Hernandez, Sculptor
This is Sam's website. Click on his "Bio" and then "Bibliography" to view the catalog and articles I have written about Sam's beautiful sculpture and artwork.
Catalog essay for Anthony Holdsworth,
This link opens Lulu, a marketing and publishing site, where you can download free the catalog. The download takes a few minutes, but is worth it to see Anthony's remarkable paintings.
You might also like to read an important DOE technical report on 21st century alternative fuels and the difficult challenges we face in reducing greenhouse gas emissions. I was technical writer for this report, and my good friend and colleague Daniel Strong created the beautiful cover. Basic Research Needs for Clean and Efficient Combustion of 21st Century Transportation Fuels.
Daniel is a terrific graphic designer. You should check out his website at Strongraphix.
As Science Writer at Sandia National Laboratories, Livermore, California, I edited the Combustion Research Facility newsletter, CRF News. You may search and download issues of the CRF News at Sandia Home.
Here is another very complex report for which I was principal technical writer and editor, a proposal to DOE and Congress from Stanford Linear Accelerator Center, to build the brightest light source ever, titled Linac Coherent Light Source Design Study Report.
This report successfully received funding from Congress and the light source was built.
Here's a review of Mel Adamson and Lucy Snow at the Berkeley Art Center
Bibliographies of Publications:
Bibliographies of Publications:
An Ode and Arcadia: Jack Spicer Robert Duncan (Ark Press, Berkeley, CA, 1974). Printed by Wesley Tanner. I edited this little book of previously unpublished poems by Spicer and Duncan and wrote the Introduction.
Eros Raving (AuthorHouse: Bloomington, Indiana, 2017). A complete translation of Eros Energumene (Editions du Seuil: Paris, 1968) by the well-known French poet and photographer Denis Roche.
Love Songs for a Certain Age (AuthorHouse: Bloomington, Indiana, 2018). A series of erotic love poems that speak profoundly of the transformative power of love and erotic passion, illustrated with beautiful nude figure drawings by the artist Louis Romero.